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Meet the Team - Carol Semple

Meet the Team - Carol Semple

Why did you get into Optics?

When I was 12 I went ten pin bowling and I couldn’t read the screens, my mum took me off to the opticians and I got glasses. I then needed a new prescription every 6 months for about 5 years. I used to find it amazing that I would go in not being able to see and then like magic I got new glasses and everything was clear. I then decided that I wanted to do that.Where did you study?I studied at Glasgow Caledonian University and I have a first class Bsc Hons degree in optometry.
How long have you been with Urquharts and what do you enjoy most about your job?
I have been with Urquharts for 3.5 months, but have worked as an optometrist for 18 years.I enjoy being part of a close knit team and respect the values of the business and where they strive to be.
What is your favourite brand of eyewear and why?
I wear contact lenses most of the time, so when I wear glasses I like a nice bright and comfortable plastic frame. The Cocoamint and Prodesign collections are lovely.What is your most memorable patient experience?I have a lot of experience in complicated contact lens fittings and I had a lovely elderly gentleman that had taken an eye condition unusually late in life. We had a race against time to fit him with a specialised lens and meet the driving visual standard in time for his license renewal.We did it and he was so happy that he could keep his independence. What do you enjoy doing outside of work?I am a Mum to Heather and Angus age 6 and 4.When I’m not in work we spend a lot of time at the farm park and the lovely local parks.I also enjoy socialising with friends.Where is your favourite holiday destination?My sister and aunt live in Australia so I love visiting them.I have been 7 times, the first time when I was 16 and I travelled on my own!What is your favourite movie?I love movies with music in them, so everything from Mary Poppins to Bohemian Rhapsody.
What is your favourite book?
Working and running after my children means I have no time for reading!
One interesting fact about yourself?
I can’t touch cotton wool.

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